Cryopreservation of Drosophila melanogaster embryo & Screening of NSAIDs for their role on collective cell migration

Gayen, Budhaditya (2022) Cryopreservation of Drosophila melanogaster embryo & Screening of NSAIDs for their role on collective cell migration. Masters thesis, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata.

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Cryopreservation of Drosophila embryos is a need of the hour. However, the reason that it is not yet a common practice is the difficulty of the entire process. The presence of a number of layers the vitelline membrane about 300nm thick followed by the thin waxy layer about 5nm in thickness. This is followed by the chorion layers inner chorionic layer (ICL), Endo chorion (EN) and exo-chorion(EX) with a combined thickness of about 800-1200nm from inside to outside (Margaritis LH, 1980). A few labs have tried with limited success. Here I take on the challenge using simple day to day tools and readily available resources in every fly lab. I show that using these it is possible to achieve survival. Though this protocol is still in the rough and in progress. It provides evidence that this can be achieved in a common setting. For the second part of my project, I worked on cell migration. Collective cell migration takes place as a coherent cell group that maintains cell-cell connections and is aided by the both intrinsic and neighbourhood cytoskeletal activity. It may maintain the over all tissue structure with subtle changes creating the traction and protrusion forces required for migration. Collective cell migration enables mobile cells to transport immobile cell types. It allows migratory cells to affect one another, and tissue sculpting as well as collective decisions that are more resilient for the system. Collective cell migration is associated with solid tumor metastasis and hence a deep understanding of the molecular processes will help us uncovering details and perhaps aid in targeting cancer metastasis. Our main focus of this study is to study the effect of NSAIDs and based on the rationale that anti-inflammatory signals from the damaged tissue site guides movement of immune cells. I show that anti-inflammatory drugs like Aspirin have a significant effect on the movement of Cancer cells in a wound healing assay.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: Supervisor: Prof. Mohit Prasad
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cell Migration; Cryopreservation; Drosophila melanogaster; NSAIDs; Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Subjects: Q Science > QH Natural history > QH301 Biology
Divisions: Department of Biological Sciences
Depositing User: IISER Kolkata Librarian
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2023 11:15
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2023 11:15

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